.NET Client Documentation

QuestDB supports the .NET ecosystem with its dedicated .NET client, engineered for high-throughput data ingestion, focusing on insert-only operations.

This quick start guide aims to familiarize you with the fundamental features of the .NET client, including how to establish a connection, authenticate, and perform basic insert operations.



The latest version of the library is 2.0.0 (changelog)

The NuGet package can be installed using the dotnet CLI:

dotnet add package net-questdb-client

The .NET ILP client streams data to QuestDB using the ILP format.

The format is a text protocol with the following form:

table,symbol=value column1=value1 column2=value2 nano_timestamp

The client provides a convenient API to manage the construction and sending of ILP rows.


Sender is single-threaded, and uses a single connection to the database.

If you want to send in parallel, you can use multiple senders and standard async tasking.

Basic usage

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;");
await sender.Table("metric_name")
.Symbol("Symbol", "value")
.Column("number", 10)
.Column("double", 12.23)
.Column("string", "born to shine")
.AtAsync(new DateTime(2021, 11, 25, 0, 46, 26));
await sender.SendAsync();

Multi-line send (sync)

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=off;");
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
.Column("counter", i)


Construct new Senders via the Sender factory.

It is mandatory to provide the addr config, as this defines the transport protocol and the server location.

By default, the HTTP protocol uses 9000, the same as the other HTTP endpoints. Optionally, TCP uses `9009'.

With a configuration string

It is recommended, where possible, to initialise the sender using a configuration string.

Configuration strings provide a convenient shorthand for defining client properties, and are validated during construction of the Sender.

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;");

If you want to initialise some properties programmatically after the initial config string, you can use Configure and Build.

(Sender.Configure("http::addr=localhost:9000;") with { auto_flush = AutoFlushType.off }).Build()

From options

The sender API also supports construction from SenderOptions.

await using var sender = Sender.New(new SenderOptions());

You might use this when binding options from configuration:

"QuestDB": {
"addr": "localhost:9000",
"tls_verify": "unsafe_off;"
var options = new ConfigurationBuilder()

Choosing a protocol

The client currently supports streaming ILP data over HTTP and TCP transports.

The sender performs some validation, but it is still possible that errors are present and the server will reject the data.

With the TCP protocol, this will lead to a dropped connection and an error server-side.

With the HTTP transport, errors will be returned via standard HTTP responses and propagated to the user via IngressError.

HTTP transport also provides better guarantees around transactionality for submitted data.

In general, it is recommended to use the HTTP transport. If the absolute highest performance is required, then in some cases, the TCP transport will be faster. However, it is important to use deduplication keys judiciously in your table schemas, as this will help guard against duplication of data in the error case.

Preparing Data

Senders use an internal buffer to convert input values into an ILP-compatible UTF-8 byte-string.

This buffer can be controlled using the init_buf_size and max_buf_size parameters.

Here is how to build a buffer of rows ready to be sent to QuestDB.


The senders are not thread safe, since they manage an internal buffer. If you wish to send data in parallel, you should construct multiple senders and use non-blocking I/O to submit to QuestDB.

The API follows the following overall flow:

Specify the table

An ILP row starts with a table name, using Table.


The table name must always be called before other builder functions.

Add symbols

A symbol is a dictionary-encoded string, used to efficiently store commonly repeated data. This is frequently used for identifiers, and symbol columns can have secondary indexes defined upon them.

Symbols can be added using calls to Symbol, which expects a symbol column name, and string value.

sender.Symbol("foo", "bah");

All symbol columns must be defined before any other column definition.

Add other columns

A number of data types can be submitted to QuestDB via ILP, including string / long / double / DateTime / DateTimeOffset.

These can be written using the Column functions.

sender.Column("baz", 102);

Finish the row

A row is completed by defining the designated timestamp value:


Generation of the timestamp can be offloaded to the server, using AtNow.


Using a server generated timestamp via AtNow/AtNowAsync is not compatible with QuestDB's deduplication feature, and should be avoided where possible.

Designated timestamp

QuestDB clusters the table around a designated timestamp.

The timestamp provided in the At* calls will be used as the designated timestamp.

Choosing the right timestamp is critical for performance!

Table creation

If the table corresponding to the ILP submission does not exist, it will be automatically created, with a 'best guess' schema. This may not be optimal for your use case, but this functionality does provide flexibility in what the database will accept.

It is recommended, when possible, to create your tables ahead of time using a thought-out schema. This can be done via APIs other than the ILP ingestion.


Once the buffer is filled with data ready to be sent, it can be flushed to the database automatically, or manually.


When the At functions are called, the auto-flushing parameters are checked to see if it is appropriate to flush the buffer. If an auto-flush is triggered, data will be sent to QuestDB.

sender.At(new DateTime(0,0,1));

To avoid blocking the calling thread, one can use the Async overloads of the At. functions e.g AtAsync.

await sender.AtNowAsync();

Auto-flushing can be enabled or disabled:

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=off;"); // or `on`, defaults to `on`

Flush by rows

Users can specify a threshold of rows to flush. This is effectively a submission batch size by number of rows.

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_rows=5000;"); 

By default, HTTP senders will send after 75,000 rows, and TCP after 600 rows.


auto_flush_rows and auto_flush_interval are both enabled by default. If you wish to only auto-flush based on one of these properties, you can disable the other using off or -1.

Flush by interval

Specify a time interval between batches. This is the elapsed time from the last flush, and is checked when the At functions are called.

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_interval=5000;"); 

By default, auto_flush_interval is set to 1000 ms.

Flush by bytes

Specify a buffer length after which to flush, effectively a batch size in UTF-8 bytes. This should be set according to init_buf_size $\lt$ auto_flush_bytes $\leq$ max_buf_size.

This can be useful if a user has variety in their row sizes and wants to limit the request sizes.

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_bytes=65536;"); 

By default, this is disabled, but set to 100 KiB.

Explicit flushing

Manually flush the buffer using Send. and SendAsync. This will send any outstanding data to the QuestDB server.

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=off;");
sender.Table("foo").Symbol("bah", "baz").Column("num", 123).At(DateTime.UtcNow);
await sender.SendAsync(); // send non-blocking
// OR
sender.Send(); // send synchronously

It is recommended to always end your submission code with a manual flush. This will ensure that all data has been sent before disposing of the Sender.


The HTTP transport provides transactionality for requests. Each request in a flush sends a batch of rows, which will be committed at once, or not at all.

Server-side transactions are only for a single table. Therefore, a request containing multiple tables will be split into a single transaction per table. If a transaction fails for one table, other transactions may still complete.

For true transactionality, one can use the transaction feature to enforce a batch only for a single table.

Transactions follow this flow:

One way to use this route effectively is to assign a single Sender per table, and then use transactions for each sender. This minimises server-side overhead by reducing how many tables are submitted to from different connections.

It is still recommended to enable deduplication keys on your tables. This is because an early request timeout, or failure to read the response stream, could cause an error in the client, even though the server was returning a success response. Therefore, making the table idempotent is best to allow for safe retries. With TCP, this is a much greater risk.

Opening a transaction

To start a Transaction, and pass the name of the table.


The sender will return errors if you try to specify an alternate table whilst a transaction is open.

Adding data

Add data to a transaction in the usual way, but without calling Table between rows.

sender.Symbol("bah", "baz").Column("num", 123).At(DateTime.UtcNow); // adds a symbol, integer column, and ends with current timestamp

Closing a transaction

Commit transactions and flush using Commit or CommitAsync. This will flush data to the database, and remove the transactional state.

await sender.CommitAsync();

Alternatively, if you wish to discard the transaction, you can use Rollback. This will clear the buffer and transactional state, without sending data to the server.



Cancelling rows

Cancel the current line using CancelRow.

This must be called before the row is complete, as otherwise it may have been sent already.

sender.Table("foo").Symbol("bah", "baz").CancelRow(); // cancels the current row
sender.Table("foo").Symbol("bah", "baz").At(DateTime.UtcNow); // invalid - no row to cancel

This can be useful if a row is being built step-by-step, and an error is thrown. The user can cancel the row and preserve the rest of the buffer that was built correctly.

Trimming the buffer

Set properties in the configuration string to control the buffer size.

It may be that the case that the buffer needs to grow earlier and shrink later.

In this scenario, the user can call Truncate. This will trim the internal buffer, removing extra pages (each of which is the size of init_buf_size), reducing overall memory consumption:

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;init_buf_size=1024;");
for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++) {
sender.Table("foo").Column("num", i).At(DateTime.UtcNow);
await sender.SendAsync(); // buffer is now flushed and empty
sender.Truncate(); // buffer is trimmed back to `init_buf_size`

Clearing the buffer

Keep the sender, but clear the internal buffer.

This can be performed using Clear.

sender.Clear(); // empties the internal buffer



Enable TLS via the https or tcps protocol, along with other associated configuration.

TLS is supported only by QuestDB Enterprise version of QuestDB.

For development purposes, the verification of TLS certificates can be disabled:

using var sender = Sender.New("https::addr=localhost:9000;tls_verify=unsafe_off;");


The client supports both TLS encryption, and authentication.

The authentication credentials can be set up by following the RBAC documentation.


The HTTP protocol supports authentication via Basic Authentication, and Token Authentication.

Basic Authentication

Configure Basic Authentication with the username and password parameters:

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;password=quest;");

Token Authentication

Configure Token Authentication with the username and token parameters:

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;token=<token>");


TCP authentication can be configured using JWK tokens:

using var sender = Sender.New("tcp::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;token=<token>");


Basic Usage

using System;
using QuestDB;

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;");
await sender.Table("trades")
.Symbol("pair", "USDGBP")
.Symbol("type", "buy")
.Column("traded_price", 0.83)
.Column("limit_price", 0.84)
.Column("qty", 100)
.Column("traded_ts", new DateTime(2022, 8, 6, 7, 35, 23, 189, DateTimeKind.Utc))
await sender.Table("trades")
.Symbol("pair", "GBPJPY")
.Column("traded_price", 135.97)
.Column("qty", 400)
await sender.SendAsync();

Streaming data

using System.Diagnostics;
using QuestDB;

var rowsToSend = 1e6;

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_rows=75000;auto_flush_interval=off;");

var timer = new Stopwatch();

for (var i = 0; i < rowsToSend; i++)
await sender.Table("trades")
.Symbol("pair", "USDGBP")
.Symbol("type", "buy")
.Column("traded_price", 0.83)
.Column("limit_price", 0.84)
.Column("qty", 100)
.Column("traded_ts", new DateTime(
2022, 8, 6, 7, 35, 23, 189, DateTimeKind.Utc))

// Ensure no pending rows.
await sender.SendAsync();


$"Wrote {rowsToSend} rows in {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds at a rate of {rowsToSend / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} rows/second.");

HTTP TLS with Basic Authentication

using QuestDB;

// Runs against QuestDB Enterprise, demonstrating HTTPS and Basic Authentication support.

using var sender =
await sender.Table("trades")
.Symbol("pair", "USDGBP")
.Symbol("type", "buy")
.Column("traded_price", 0.83)
.Column("limit_price", 0.84)
.Column("qty", 100)
.Column("traded_ts", new DateTime(
2022, 8, 6, 7, 35, 23, 189, DateTimeKind.Utc))
await sender.Table("trades")
.Symbol("pair", "GBPJPY")
.Column("traded_price", 135.97)
.Column("qty", 400)
await sender.SendAsync();

TCP TLS with JWK Authentication

using System;
using QuestDB;

// Demonstrates TCPS connection against QuestDB Enterprise

using var sender =
// See: https://questdb.io/docs/reference/api/ilp/authenticate
await sender.Table("trades")
.Symbol("pair", "USDGBP")
.Symbol("type", "buy")
.Column("traded_price", 0.83)
.Column("limit_price", 0.84)
.Column("qty", 100)
.Column("traded_ts", new DateTime(
2022, 8, 6, 7, 35, 23, 189, DateTimeKind.Utc))
await sender.Table("trades")
.Symbol("pair", "GBPJPY")
.Column("traded_price", 135.97)
.Column("qty", 400)
await sender.SendAsync();

Next Steps

Dive deeper into the .NET client capabilities by exploring more examples provided in the GitHub repository.

To learn The Way of QuestDB SQL, see the Query & SQL Overview.

Should you encounter any issues or have questions, the active community Slack is a vibrant platform for discussions.